Obituaries - Condolences

Condolences to the Family of Martha A. Zuber

Cheryl Dranginis Haessig Waukesha WI 53189 – Posted On: January 4, 2016

Sorry for your loss. Only got to know her a short time at Linden Grove as my mother in laws neighbor. She always was smiling and cheerful when ever we came to visit. She would be sitting with Gloria my mother in law watching the football games and TV or reading a book. It was nice to talk to someone from Lublin who knew my grandparents and Aunts and Uncles. I would bring her Thorp Couriers and we would talk about the all the gossip the small town papers used to have in them. We are going to miss seeing her at Linden Grove.

Joyce Szot Hoffman Estates, IL – Posted On: December 13, 2015

Debbie, Rena, Brian, your mother's passing comes at the end of a year of many losses. I am sorry for the recent loss of your mom. Mickie must have decide to give it 3 months since the loss of her husband, your father. Funny how we can do that. She loved the farm and had told me that she never wanted to leave it, her fear was becoming disabled and having to leave. Certainly, she will keep some of her spiritual energy there. Our Grandma Anna Zuber created the farm from rocks and trees, and Frank and Mickie protected it for more generations. It was a gift to us all. I remember the chicken coop, barn, the apple trees, the pig and many dogs, the bull and many cows, and 2 horses my mom and I rode (before your time). It seemed to me that all the animals protected all the children, else there would have been accidents. It was hard work and required love and dedication. Mickie gave all her children everything she had, and could only leave you by knowing that you were strong and able and had your families to love and enjoy. May the next year be yours for having fond memories and healing. May your future be for overseeing the good fortunes that will come into the lives of your children.

Cheryl Haessig Waukesha WI – Posted On: December 10, 2015

Sorry for your loss. She was such a nice lady. My mother in law is in the room next to Mickie's at Linden Grove. I was the one bringing her Thorp Couriers to read. My grandfather Andrew Dranginis built their home he lived in Thorp. Grandmas family is from Lublin the Filas family. Uncle Albert belongs to the VFW that your father belonged to. I was hoping to get a chance to meet you at Linden Grove sometime but it never happened.
Your mother and I were laughing about how it was on the farm back then with all the brothers and sisters squeezed into one farmhouse and having to share.