Obituaries - Condolences

Condolences to the Family of Anna M. Cukla

Ammy – Posted On: August 4, 2014

Hi Monica,Thanks for the question. I'm wrtiing from a plane, so please pardon any major spelling or grammatical mistakes.My view on orthotics is that they are a band aid or a crutch and generally not a permanent solution to postural pain and dysfunction. There are people who need orthotics due to significant structural abnormalities, but they make up a very small percentage of the population. For the vast majority, orthotics are over-prescribed, just as most pharmaceutical medications, and over time create greater problems than they solve.In general, the use of a crutch gets you to the next crutch. At first we use cushioned arch supported shoes as a crutch. As the muscles that make up the arch of the foot weaken and atrophy, the arch itself collapses. So you are upgraded to a reinforced arch support system with orthotics. This causes greater weakening, atrophy, and collapse, and you are then given a cane, crutches, or a walker. Eventually, you are in a wheel chair. All of this takes place over years and decades. The solution to this problem is not in the next best band aid, but to train the body to support itself at each and every step (pun intended). Maintaining strength and stability of the arch provides the foundation for the entire postural system. Now transitioning into a barefoot/minimalist lifestyle from orthotics can be a bit tricky. Especially without the support of a coach or therapist. Depending on how long you have been wearing orthotics, your feet will be significantly weakened. Transitioning too quickly raises your risk of injury. I don't recommend going completely barefoot/minimalist overnight. I would start with corrective exercises focused on strengthening your feet, hips, shoulders, and core; spending as much time barefoot during the day; and listening to your body for signs of pain and stress. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.Jesse James Retherford

gloria waukesha, wi. – Posted On: May 8, 2014

Hi Delores & Dale,
Don't know if you remember me I was married to Barry - Dale you worked with him at Wisconsin Motors. Dolores I use to come by your house near Mitchell St. and we would walk with your little baby girl to shop on Mitchell St. When you guys moved up to Ladysmith we came up to see you when Dale worked at the power plant with Everett & Marianne Myers. I divorced Barry and remarried I married Bob Pesch unfortunately he died in 1989 of cancer. I did live in Arizona twice but always moved back here. If you would like to contact me that would be great. You Mother was sure an interesting person and so loved by all of you. Take care. Sincerely,

jean pancyrz – Posted On: January 5, 2014

My condolences to all the family and friends. I met Anna more than 50 years ago when Stanley and I married and we went to visit his sister and family in Wisconsin. I met a wonderful and caring lady who I admired and respected. I always looked forward to seeing her. We kept in touch in later years through a yearly Christmas letter which I looked forward to receiving. I will miss her and my thoughts are with you all.

Judy Winter Medford, WI – Posted On: December 29, 2013

On behalf of Dorothy Verdegan and her family, I extend our Deepest Sympathy For Your Loss. Thinking of you and wishing you comfort and peace.

Danielle Kulesa Eau Claire, WI – Posted On: December 27, 2013

So sorry regarding the loss of your mom. She was a wonderful person. She is a person I never remember meeting, I have always known her. She was a wonderful neighbor for many years. I would have tea with Anna and we shared many years of wonderful conversations. Those memories will be cherished forever. The Kulesa family sends our condolences.

Nick and Rhonda Franclik Rockport Texas – Posted On: December 26, 2013

Jim and Karen, we are with you in spirit as you and your family celebrate your Mom's life. She was an amazing woman and you will miss her but she will be with you in your hearts forever. We know God is your Rock and will hold you close during this time.