Obituaries - Condolences

Condolences to the Family of Stella J. Wilhelm

France – Posted On: December 10, 2015

The drug counterfeiting clamis are non-controversial.Lot of it eminates from Section 39, the department tasked with acquiring foreign currency to fund the lifestyles of the 300 families and the rest of the elite. To this you can add counterfeit cigarettes, smack and methalamphetimine(sic) (whatever you call the stuff ..Yaba . )South Fujian is the other major centre for counterfeit cigarette manufacture in Asia.North Korean chemists are very good at their job and in high demand.North Korean diplomats have a record of getting busted for illegal activities in foreign lands.North Korea has controlled the sale of speed- type drugs in Japan since the 1960s. This was facilitated by the Korean community living in Japan. The name of their organisation can be found on wiki etc, and it is a very interesting and sad story indeed. There was/is a lot of fraternal feeling between the two Korean communities, besides the drug finance stuff.Japanese colonialism had a profound effect on the idea of Korean identityKeep in mind that there were anti-Korean pogroms in Japan in the 1920s .a sad fact in Asian history, tied up with the idea of clean and unclean trades.Japan's vicious occupation of the Korean Peninsula in the 192Os.I think it was around 2004 that Chine's banking police caught North Korea flooding the northern provinces with perfect 100rmb notes. It was *very no appreciated* by Beijing, and they closed the borders until it stopped, which it did.Other than that, China has little influence on the North Korean elite and, to tell the truth, Koreans either side of the DMZ generally look down on Chinese as unwashed and uncivilised'.People with smelly socks.

James Kramas & family Ilion, NY – Posted On: February 17, 2015

I was so sad to hear of Aunt Stella’s passing. She was a wonderful Aunt who demonstrated true-love for family and cheerfully welcomed everyone she met. I vividly recall her strength-of-character and her exceptional work ethic among her notable traits. Aunt Stella was an amazing lady. She was an intelligent woman with worldly views and strong convictions that were backed by an incredibly sharp mind. Aunt Stella was a person with quick wit and could tell a joke with the best of them. I loved joking and kidding around with her. She was so much fun! I know she is in a better place, united once again with Uncle Eugene, both smiling down on all of us from heaven. She will be missed.

S Ford Posted On: January 14, 2015

I would like to offer my deepest sympathies to you. I am so sorry for your loss. Please know that you are never alone. Turn to the Holy Scriptures for guidance and to help soothe your heart. Psalms 34:18 assures us that God is near to those broken at heart and crushed in spirit. Please accept my deepest sympathies.

Carol Boie thorp – Posted On: January 13, 2015

One of my many memories of your Mom was the butter lambs she made at Easter. I believe I still have one tucked away in my freezer. Now it will become a special gift I received from a special lady !!! I also recall wrapping her power tooth brushes she was giving as gifts to everyone at Christmmas.

Bill and Peg Harycki Thorp, WI – Posted On: January 13, 2015

Stella was a soft spoken, warm, friendly person and always a "lady". Due to prior commitments we can not make it to her funeral. Please accept our sympathy. God bless Stella and may she rest in peace. Sincerely, Bill and Peg

Carol Berg Highlands Ranch, CO – Posted On: January 12, 2015

I had the pleasure of meeting and chatting with Stella in 2013 at Dr. Capek's beerfest. I'm so glad I got to meet her Ann. My condolences to you and your family.

Barb Parker, CO – Posted On: January 11, 2015

The loss of a mother toughes the heart~ where kindess and love where first known. I am sorry for your loss. Stella is fortunate to return home to her roots in Wisconsin and to be welcomed into the kindgdom by her heavenly Father.

Rita Johnson Stevens Point, WI – Posted On: January 10, 2015

My sympathies to your family on this sorrowful journey. Your mom was a godly influence in my life. As a young wife, I was resistant to going to a baseball game with my husband. In her gentle way, she said that I needed to go. I applied this lesson to other areas in our marriage, which is on its 33rd year. When she lived at Morgan Plaza, across from my parents apartment. I have many happy memories visiting with her. God Bless your family in this sorrowful time.

Diane V Posted On: January 8, 2015

A great, fun, giving lady. She and Eugene were always so helpful when my children needed a pseudo Grandma or Grandpa.