Obituaries - Condolences

Condolences to the Family of Clara H. Grzegozewski

Zayn – Posted On: August 4, 2014

Hi Bernadette,Thanks for the comments. I sugsegt reading the article I wrote on plantar fasciitis (below) and following the exercises as a starting point. Hiring a really good fascial therapist who has a successful history treating PF would be a good idea too. I have had great success in treating PF. In most cases, moving out of the acute pain stage within 3-4 sessions. Once you are out of the pain stage, it is time to focus on flexibility and corrective exercises to strengthen the arches, knees and hips. You will find a few in this article.Now, my guess is that you have been wearing shoes with a significant heel lift for many years. (I consider the heel lift of most running shoes to be significant). The heel lift in shoes places your achilles tendon in a shortened position. It does not get stretched out fully when you walk. This is compounded by heel strike. Over time the achilles and lower leg muscles in your calf become somewhat permanently shortened. This is the primary issue that causes PF and just about every other foot pain issue. The shortened state places strain through the plantar fascia and other structures which eventually become inflamed (for lack of a better term). This is also the reason going barefoot is so painful. When you are barefoot, you are forcing the full natural range of motion of your now shortened ankle which places excess stress on the achilles tendon. Plus the muscles of the lower leg and arches are not strengthened to handle this new ROM. So they get fatigued quickly. The key will be to work through the active pain of PF. Then begin a rehab process that focuses on increasing flexibility and strengthening the ankle and calves. When it comes to walking around barefoot: I would keep the amount of time down. Spend 5-10 minutes a day at first and over the course of weeks slowly add more time. It MUST be PAIN FREE. Start buying shoes with less of a heel wedge. Don't make a drastic move from the higher heels you are currently wearing to a zero drop over night. But eventually you will want a zero drop shoe, if your foot can handle it. This is a process that will take at least a year and possibly two years to fully adapt into. I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any more questions. Also, something you didn't mention in the above post. Do you wear orthotics?Jesse James Retherford

Jim and Mary Mayer Chippewa Falls, WI – Posted On: March 27, 2014

We like to give you are condolence.

Marge Geissler Chippewa Falls WI – Posted On: March 27, 2014

Ed, I hope that you can find some comfort in your many special memories of your mom and in the thought of the happy years you shared. When someone we love becomes a memory, that memory becomes a treasure. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this difficult time.....My Best, Marge

JAN DAUS EAU CLAIRE – Posted On: March 27, 2014

Thinking of you all and know how hard it is to lose your Mom. But she lived a great life.

Robin Hassemer Chippewa Falls, Wi. – Posted On: March 27, 2014

Rosie, just wanted you to know, you and family are in my prayers. Lost my mama five years ago and still miss her often. May the memories in your heart, soften the sadness in your spirit. Say Hi to Ron and Eddie, God Bless you all. Lov ya, Chirpie & Bob

Richie & Gabe Yurkovich Willard WI – Posted On: March 26, 2014

Our sincere sympathy goes out to Clara's family. We will remember her kindness and sense of humor. Riding along with her friends with Richie to his weekday dances will always be treasured. Our prayers are with you all.